Episode 42 | Afghan Diaspora Womens Group

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2023

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

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Sara created a therapy group she wished she had as a queer Afghan American. What is it like to create a group filled with people just like you? What’s it like to create a group that affirms an identity other people say you shouldn’t have? In this episode, we discuss the ins and outs of creating an identity-based therapy group. 

Sara Stanizai is an LMFT who focuses on working with and affirming the identities of first-generation Afghan Americans. 

“I made this group because I needed this group”


What we discussed:

(00:00) Who is Sara Stanizai and how she got her first clients

(04:20) Why have a group for Afghan women?

(08:20) Becoming more visible and getting hate 

(09:20) How to join the closed group (+ an inconvenient step)

(10:41) Main transformation of the group 

(13:28) “I’ve never been in a room with this many of my people”

(16:33) The worst part of identity groups OR The hardest part of running identity groups 

(19:59) Why this is a women’s group 

(23:50) How to reach Sara Stanizai


Memorable moments: 

(05:10) “One of the benefits of having your own practice is that you get to decide who you want to work with.”


3 things to remember: 

  1. Creating a group around people with a similar identity as you can help you and others feel less lonely to be you and make it easier to face your struggles while also uplifting your community. 
  2. Being able to connect with people you feel are similar to you gives you a sort of permission that it is ok to be who you are. This is one of the gifts of having a group focused on identity. 
  3. Identity-based groups can be so dysregulating for people because they might be extremely different from everything they’ve experienced before. 


Tools & Resources

Connect with Sara: https://sarastanizai.com/https://www.prospecttherapy.com/ 

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