Episode 28 | Multi-State Online Grief Support Groups

Nov 04, 2021

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

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Shannon Heers, who runs a grief group, joins Katie to discuss the power of normalizing and validating grief. They talk about the emotional toll of facilitating a grief group, what it’s like to be in a grief group, and some great tips for therapists who want to run grief groups of their own. 

Shannon Heers is the founder of Catalyss Consulting and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. 


[00:00] Who is Shannon Heers (Grief Groups)?

[05:05] How Shannon Heers started a grief group (and how it works). 

[08:02] The lonely feeling that grief groups normalize and validate.

[09:15] How is loss defined in this grief group? 

[11:12] What the experience inside a grief group is like. 

[13:52] How it feels to facilitate a grief group. 

[15:23] What makes people feel that it is time to leave (gra...

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