Episode 38 | Encouraging Intern Growth & Groups

Apr 07, 2022

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

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Dr. Tara Sanderson joins Katie to discuss how she empowers interns to be skilled therapists who run great groups in her private practice. During the episode they discuss how to transfer your wisdom to interns in your private practice, how to create meaningful learning experiences for them, and why teaching interns with the end in mind is so powerful.Ā 

Dr. Tara Sanderson is a licensed psychologist and MBA. She is a supervisor and group practice owner. She teaches courses on how to start a private practice and how to have interns in your practice.Ā 


[00:00] Who is Dr. Tara Sanderson?

[01:26] Why does Dr. Tara focus on supporting interns in her private practice?

[04:08] How to hire associates who are receptive to training interns OR How to make sure your private practice interns receive the ...

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