Episode 27 | Team Consult for Connection & Collaboration in Group Practices

Oct 28, 2021

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

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The Team Consultation is for all therapists who work at Creative Healing. It is a non-negotiable part of our practice. 

Our work is hard, so why do it alone?

Empathy. Learning. Community. These are only some of the values of our time together in the Consult group. 

Tune in to the episode to learn how we can make the most of our weekly meetups.


[00:00] Who am I: Katie May (The Group Guru)?

[00:54] What therapists can learn from the Team Consult Group? 

[02:00] How MY teenage experience led me to be the therapist I am today. 

[03:55] Who is the Team Group Consult for and how often are the meetings? 

[04:50] The structure of our meetings (and why they’re mandatory). 

[14:10] How to share feedback during our meetings (best practices to create a safe space). 

[19:30] The challenges of r...

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Episode 21 | Art Therapy Supervision Groups

Jun 10, 2021

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts here

Listen and subscribe on Spotify here

In this episode we cover:

  • How to create a “space that you can take with you” using art in supervision
  • The importance of being willing to be uncomfortable in diverse groups
  • Why art is a valuable tool in the new therapist journey

To learn more about Stephanie Saklad, visit www.instagram.com/art_therapy_pros/

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Episode 16 | Group Supervision Success

May 06, 2021

The Group Work Podcast. Find out what happens in the space where group therapy takes place.

Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts here

Listen and subscribe on Spotify here

In this episode we cover:

  • How to create a safe container for connection to combat new therapist imposter syndrome
  • Why it’s important to consider a strengths-based supervision approach in groups
  • Why being a good therapist is simply not enough to become a good supervisor in the group supervision process

To learn more about Jamica Cropper-Pam, visit www.cultivatinggrowthcounseling.com


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